Friday, May 4, 2007

Do you Twitter

So yeah as you can see in the little side column badge thingie, I've registered at Twitter. Clearly it's usefulness is largely determined by the network effect, so I guess I've just got to try it out for a while, and the four of you who read this blog who aren't losers could consider doing the same. I'm *this* close to registering on MySpace, which I'm not at all happy about. This covering-all-your-bases ubiquitous online presence stuff is nauseating. Can't one of you social networking sites hurry up and gobble up the rest?


shawn said...

It just says "loading from Twitter"

kermit said...

Well if it's broken that'll make my decision easier. So far its like having a blog in your blog. Maybe it'll be more interesting if I add a bunch of random people as friends. I dunno. Everyone I've seen mention it says it looked lame to them until they started using it, so this is apparently normal.